The pragmatics of language teaching is dramatically changing getting adapted to the new language learning requirements based on acquiring the four language skills through key competencies development.Technical Focus is a distinctive practical ten-unit English dossier for adults which provides a comprehensive preparation program for B2 level,reflecting the new global language learning tendencies through motivating lessons. The dossier provides learners with professional and academic skills needed for success in the academic and professional life. The perfect balance of grammar, pronunciation and vocabulary builds confidence in speaking, listening, reading and writing using thought-provoking and purposeful approach to learning English through key competences established by the Universidad Politécnica de Valencia.Its engaging, p-to-date topics and systematic skills work suggests a new approach to develop communicative abilities.The dossier includes: o Informative texts to improve reading skills o Systematic grammar and vocabulary practice o A strong focus on study skills o A comprehensive writing syllabus.